Friday, January 20, 2012

CDBG Grant Funds Applications Available

The City of Dover Department of Planning and Community Development is accepting applications from Public Service Agencies, qualified individuals or eligible organizations for grants from the FFY12 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. This grant from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is intended to meet the needs of low and moderate income persons in a variety of ways.

Eligible activities include: acquisition of property, public facilities and improvements, clearance or demolition, public services, water & sewer lines, historic preservation and special economic development activities.

Each activity planned by the City must meet one of HUD's three national objectives:
1. Benefit to low and moderate income people.
2. Elimination of slums and blight.
3. Urgent needs.

For more information about project eligibility or to learn more about Dover’s Community Development Block Grant program, go to

The City of Dover has been a CDBG entitlement community for over twenty years. The HUD program provides annual grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate income persons. HUD awards grants to entitlement community grantees to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward revitalizing neighborhoods, economic development, and providing improved community facilities and services. Entitlement communities develop their own programs and funding priorities. The entitlement grant is expected to be available July 1st, 2012. The amount to be received by the City of Dover has yet to be determined by Congress.

Groups wishing to receive funds, anyone with question, or groups needing technical assistance with an application should contact Rick Jones, 516-6034 between 7 AM and 5 PM Monday through Thursday. Applications are also available on the City of Dover website. All applications for funding requests are due back in the Dover Planning Office no later than February 9, 2012 at 5:30 PM.

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