As September wraps up, I realized I didn't offer up my report on August to the blog reading mass. Better late than never....
4. Continue to communicate with the community through hosting of periodic ward and neighborhood meetings such as quarterly Dover Discussions along with exploring new methods to increase interaction and participation by citizens in local governance and community forums.
The Department of Planning and Community Development continued to update its blog, face book page and twitter feed to communicate with the public. The Department of Planning and Community Development has 124 Facebook (City of Dover NH Planning) friends and 258 followers on Twitter @DoverNHPlanning).
During the month of August, five (5) Planning blog posts were drafted, including one on looking at the Open Land Committee’s activities, vacationing as a planner, the value of lists, a look at infrastructure planning and Tropical Storm Irene, and one recounting the July monthly report.
The Department of Planning promoted the Dover Community Trail through the facebook fan page for the trail (with 279 fans), as well as a Sustainable Dover facebook fan page for the trail (with 109 fans). The Sustainability Coordinator promoted numerous events this month through facebook, as well as traditional media.
The Director of Planning and Community Development hosted 30 Urban Design students from Michigan for a 3 hour tour of downtown Dover. This tour focused on the Form Based Code zoning, and the development and review process associated with the code. The graduate students drove from Michigan to view Dover and 4 other communities in New England (one per state, minus Maine) to learn about the challenges and successes faced by New England Planners.
The Director of Planning and Community Development continues to act as an advisor to the Dover Listen’s committee, and attends their monthly meetings.
Finally, this month the Department of Planning and Community Development sent out 32 letters to new homeowners congratulating them on their purchase, as well as informing them of the current zoning for their property and alerting them to the various methods the department uses to inform and update the public.
12. Complete the implementation of the ongoing energy efficiency improvements and provide periodic reports of energy savings.
The Johnson Controls Energy Upgrade project is winding down. Many of the FIM’s have been completed and are ready for closeout. The three blowers were installed at the WWTP in August, and a Virtual private network was installed to let the blower manufacturer, HIS, communicate directly with the WWTP and the SCATA system. The VPN was installed to assist HIS in resolving and issue where the WWTP is experiencing pressure higher than recommended levels. HSI thinks they will have this issue resolved in early September.
Ensure timely preparation and presentation of the FY13 – 18 Capital Improvements Program.The Director of Planning continued to work with various departments to review project submittals for the upcoming Capital Improvements Program. In addition, the Director of Planning met with the Media Services Coordinator to review the FY 2012 CIP presentation and coordinate the FY2013 presentation materials. The Capital Planning Committee (Planning Director and Finance Director) met to review the booklet preparation and proceed with CIP recommendations for the City Manager to review for inclusion.
Coordinate update of Land Use and Transportation chapters of the Master Plan, through development and implementation of Speak Out Dover and associated survey programs.
Planning staff continues to work with the steering committee for the Open Space and Conservation Master Plan chapter. Once that chapter has been completed, work will begin on organizing Speak Out Dover sessions and associated programs for laying the baseline for the Land Use and Transportation chapters.
Review, and update as needed, the Community Development Block Grant program to ensure compatibility with Best Management Practices.
Planning staff continues to review the current standard operating procedures to begin the review of current practices for the Community Development Block Grant program.
Promote streamlining plan review through use of electronic means amongst internal staff (smart board at TRC etc).
The Director of Planning began the transition process to make the technical review process more electronic based. Beginning in October, the Technical Review Committee meetings should be completed via PDF and electronic means instead of via paper copies of plans.
Analyze the City Code to ensure that City regulations encourage sustainable practices in city operations and encourage green practices by residents and business owners.
Planning staff continued to work, in August, with a staff member from Strafford Regional Planning to review Master Plan chapters from a sustainability view point. Strafford Regional Planning submitted their final review and staff is working to develop a timeline for review and integration of their suggestions into the master plan.
Develop educational opportunities for staff and board/commission members that are low resource cost, whether through staff presentations to boards/commissions, or web based education.
The Director of Planning and Community Development worked with the Planning Board chair to add additional opportunities for the Planning Board to be educated. The first opportunity is September 13, when a speaker will be brought in to discuss fluvial erosion along river and stream banks. The Conservation Commission and Open Lands Committee have been invited to attend the workshop as well.
Increase outreach and education to business and residents on benefits of infill development and transit oriented development as means to develop and redevelop in Dover’s urban core.
The Director of Planning and Community Development and the Zoning Administrator are considering opportunities for education and outreach on the values of transit oriented development. Some ideas include the Urban Land Institute, and Lincoln Land Institute. The Economic Development Director will also play a role in this effort.
Coordinate discussions and implementation of improved pedestrian and vehicular way finding signs in downtown Dover.
Notes and ideas from the May wayfinding meeting have been reviewed, by planning staff and are being coordinated for follow up.
Planning and Community Development Director assisted the Community Services, and Recreation Departments in indentifying a grant opportunity through Timberland Cos Servapalooza civic service day, which will occur on September 8, 2011. The group will work on a recently completed landscape plan on the McConnell Center lawn. This plan includes sustainable plantings as well as low maintenance plantings that will enhance the building and civic core. Additionally, the group will do some clearing on the Community Trail and will install a canoe launch near the Washington Street rail bridge crossing.
Planning and Community Development staff assisted the Community Services and Inspection staff with a review of outstanding issues on several projects, and took the lead on reaching out to the developers. The plans/projects are as follows:
• Newington Dover bridge
• Gladiola Way
• Cedar Cove
• Picnic Rock Drive
Planning staff worked with land owners of property at the following locations on development or redevelopment opportunities:
• Technical Review for 385 Sixth Street
• Technical Review for Lilac Lane
• Technical Review for 6 Brick Road
• Technical Review for 38 Dover Point Road
• 10 Basils Place
• Sumner Drive property for reuse.
• K9 Kaos
• Second Pre –TRC with Elderly Assisted Care Facility on Summer St
• Robbins Auto properties throughout the City
• Redevelopment potential at 6 Grove Street
• School Street property
• Intersection of Chestnut, Lincoln and Sixth Streets
• Intersection of Central, Court and Silver street redevelopment
• Intersection of Washington and Main Street redevelopment
The Department of Planning and Community Development welcomed Gail Pare as a Clerk/Typist. Gail previously worked at Liberty Mutual and began with the City in the middle of August.
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