The Dover Department of Planning and Community Development announces that it will be conducting a clean-up of illegal and unpermitted temporary advertising signs throughout the City of Dover during the week of January 9th as part of a review of zoning compliances around the community. Illegal and unpermitted signs include those on utility poles, or in the right of way. This clean up will be the fourth one conducted by planning staff in the past year.
The illegal sign removal action
is warranted because the placement of these temporary signs in public
right-of-ways and medians of streets, on utility poles and attached to trees is
not permitted by the Dover Sign Ordinance and may cause a safety hazard for traveling
motorists or create a visual blight that is unsightly for residents. These signs detract from legitimate business
signs that have gone through the proper permitting process.
“I am confident that we will continue to see
less signs than we have in the past,” Christopher Parker, Director of Planning
and Community Development said. “I am always happy to see that the sweeps take
less and less time to complete as we have more and more compliance from
business and property owners. We have seen dramatic reductions in these illegal
signs. I hope that this trend continues and we have only a handful of illegal
signs at the end of the day.”
Parker continued to explain that
the goal of the sweep is to reward those business owners that have properly
placed and permitted their signs. “We hope to both remove the safety hazard,
improve aesthetics and also ensure that those that follow the rules the
community has established for signs are followed.”
This will be the first sign sweep
conducted with the City’s recently hired Zoning Administrator, Tim Corwin.
Corwin joins the City staff on January 3, and will be learning the nuances of
Dover’s code. “This sweep is a good way for Tim to see how seriously we take
zoning and code violations in Dover.” Parker explained.
Business owners that have placed
these signs are advised to remove the illegal signs in advance of this clean-up
effort. Any sign that is confiscated
will only be held for thirty days prior to being recycled or destroyed, unless
the sign is claimed by the owner after paying a reclamation fee based on the
actual cost of man-hours and equipment use.
Repeat offenders may be subject to prosecution and fines.
The Planning Department has a
facebook fan page in which residents can learn more about projects and
applications. Additionally, the Department has a twitter feed @DoverNHPlanning.
For more information please call
the Planning Department at 516-6008.
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